Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Oh no, bad knitter!

That's about how I feel, right now, or something like that.

The last time I thought something like "oh yeah, noiw your stash is so large, you should do something for yourself/some else/accomplish someone to earn new yarn" it ended with several hundred dollars (in the low range of "several", but still) burned on etsy yarn, mostly consisting my current stash in sock yarn.

And now, the Knit from your Stash 2007 is launching - and what do I do, just 4 days before the new year? Buy yarn of course!!

To be true, I really needed it. No, that's not the lame "oh I want it so I need it" thingy, but I really didn't have yarn for the Arwen Cardigan - it will now be knit in Jaeger Shetland Aran #38 Lilac - and the small words "reduced" and "free shipping" was what made my poor paypal account scream once more.
And there were these words some more, and some Rowan Cotton Glace also jumped into the shopping card - probably used for the new stitch diva pattern Sahara. And the best - good yarn I don't get here, 1kg each (for a laaarge sweater, about 20 usual skeins worth), for under 100 dollars. I just love Jannette's Rare Yarns!! Both my yarns here are discontinued, but I got enough for like 1,5 projects each, and she's so fruiendly and all, and also cheap in still available yarns. I got a lot of rowan kidsilk haze some weeks ago from her, and now this - she's definitely my number 1 ebay seller, ever, UK based so no customs troubles and costs either.

But that's it for now. No more yarn this year, and none until october next year, likely. I figure my Lisa Souza order pending still on my side will probably contain lace wheight yarn too, so it should count, but somehow I will get raound that "no yarn till september ends" anyways ;)

And I should update this sidebar, definetly. And do the photos, picasa is already waiting ...

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